
MRI/CAT Benefit

If your physician or specialist prescribes diagnostic services such as an MRI or CT scan for conditions which are deemed to be medically necessary, the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) would provide the coverage. Although the wait times have improved, there is still a possibility of waiting up to six months for such procedures, resulting in individuals choosing instead to frequent private clinics for more timely service.

Effective January 1, 2013, a member or eligible dependent may have an MRI or CAT scan on an elective basis with 50% of the cost covered by the Trust, up to a maximum of $500.00 per lifetime, per member or eligible dependent. For example, an MRI or CT scan could be scheduled in a private clinic within less than 10 days and may range in cost from $800 to $1300 for both the scan and the report that you can then forward to your doctor. Please contact the Claims Manager at Benefit Plan Administrators for more details. Please note that this is not an insured Benefit through Great West Life, it is a benefit provided by the Trust.

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